Richard Lilja
As a professional soccer coach and scout , I am always looking for ways to improve health and performance for elite players. No matter how talented, you are, you need to eat healthy and lifestyle, sleep, rest and healthy nutritious food is extremely important.
Young players need family support, and Ninka knows excactly how to reach and engage women and mothers through her programmes. I respect her talent for keeping women engaged and her experience in sustainable health for children and families. Her results are impressive.
Apart from my professional career, I have a personal passion for keeping children engaged in sports. Science shows, that children who choose to do that, are more succesful in life. They perform better in school and land more well payed jobs when they grow up. I also love the fact, that sports keep children from drinking, smoking and taking drugs throoughout the teenage years.
Richard Lilja
More on Richard Lilja:
Richard Lilja, Pro Soccer coach with UEFA A-licence.
Instructor at DBU (Danish FA)
Soccer scout
Former Soccer Acadamy Leader
20 years of Experience from B93, Birkerød Sportscollege, NGG Sportscollege and more
www.richardlilja, dk