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Video med min nye kæreste og mig. Og en hemmelighed.

Ninka og Wynford Dore om den den neurologiske hemmelighed bag sukker afhængighed og den hjerne mæssige årsag til, at kloge, kreative kvinder har problemer med kærligheden. Og hvad du kan gøre ved det.

Det er så stort for mig. Jeg sidder på denne video for første gang i mit nye hjem med mit livs kærlighed med en verdensnyhed for kvinder der ikke kan tabe sig, komme ud af sukkerafhængighed eller slås med følelser, kærlighed og familieliv. 

Der er IKKE noget i vejen med dig. Dit barn KAN lære at læse og klare sig godt i skolen. Du vil IKKE blive ved med at skændes med din kæreste og være så følelsesmæssig ustabil og bitchy, som din hjerne lige nu TVINGER dig til at være. 

Du må bare høre denne samtale….

I kærlighed,


Ps: I næste uge får du links til al den hjerneforskning, der beviser det. Og vi afslører hvorfor og hvordan vi vil hjælpe børn gratis med at udvikle hjernens “executive function”. Så de igen kan fokusere og klare sig godt i skolen. Ligesom vi fortæller, hvorfor du råber af dine børn, hvorfor du ikke kan gøre for det, og hvordan du omprogrammerer den overbelastning i hjernen, der er årsagen. Smid os endelig en kommentar på engelsk herunder.

Kommentarer (63)

  1. Lise-Lotte på 24.12.2017
    Hej Ninka og Wynford
    Jeg ønsker jer en glædelig jul og godt nytår.


    Tak Lise-Lotte
    Ønsker dig det samme
    Kærlig hilsen Heidi / Team Ninkas Detox
  2. Lise-Lotte på 10.11.2017
    Hej Ninka
    Jeg håber på at finde min egen soulmate jeg er smadder misundelig på dig.Best wishes to you and Wynford.He looking very handsome and look like a very nice mann.You knew it would happend and i knew that you are very happy today.Lise-Lotte
  3. Lise-Lotte Jørgensen på 19.10.2017
    en hilsen til dig og din soulmate.Jeg ønsker jer alt godt i whishes
  4. Lise-Lotte på 30.09.2017
    Dear Ninka you and Wynford look handsome toghter.Very good viedeo.
  5. Mette Rørdam på 25.04.2017
    Hvor det spændende, jeg har altid undret mig over at det er så svært at huske alt det jeg har læst, jeg læser meget og er meget videnbegærlig. Min hjerne er ofte forvirret og træt, nu har jeg fået svaret. Min hjerne slapper aldrig af, heller ikke når jeg sover, har jeg på fornemmelsen, den her viden kan ændre vores liv og tilgang til livet.

    Kære Mette

    Tak for din kommentar og for at lade os vide, hvor meget mening det giver for dig <3

    Har du set vores hjemmeside hvor du kan læse meget mere om de programmer vi nu udbyder til mænd, kvinder og børn?

    Du kan evt. også følge os på vores Youtube kanal og få meget mere information fra Wynford og jeg:

    Knus til dig <3
  6. Ninka på 27.05.2016
    Ninet, Madalena, Stella, Linda Thank you <3 <3 <3

    Anna <3, Thank you for sharing. It amazing that you have realised, not only that you are right, but more so that you are able to create more “brain-space” and thus feel lees overloaded <3

    Dear Henriette,
    I realise that my answer is a delayed. Did you apply to be a part of our test-group, I hope so, as we would love you to take part.
    I recognise what you say about children and creating the feeling of achievement contrary to failure. This is exactly what Wynford and I want.
    Love Ninka
  7. Linda på 16.05.2016
    Amazing video both of you!
    I look forward to the next one!
    Take care
  8. Stella Teresa på 09.05.2016
    It just makes a lot of sence when work with my clients and understandig myself better over the last years. Thank you so much for sharing and I am looking forward to hearing more from you.
    Is there any book I can read because I would to know more.
    Hugs to both of you.
  9. madalena Kira Mirranda Gregersen på 09.05.2016
    Tak for jeres gode og interrasantte inslag.

    Kærlig hilsen
    Madalena Kira
  10. Henriette Rolsted på 08.05.2016
    Dear Ninka and Wynford.
    Right now my brain can not translate danish into english. Så jeg fortsætter på dansk! Sorry!
    Det er meningsfuldt og meget interesant viden I videreformidler.
    Jeg arbejder som lærer og er dagligt udfordret med elever 'der ikke forstår'....og prøver det ene og det andet..uden at kunne give dem den lykkelige situation nemlig at give eleven følelsen af at lykkes. Når det lykkes har jeg altid inddraget kreative processer.
    Privat er jeg alene med to teenage drenge i hus med have, hund og tusind ting der skal gøres. Økonomi, opdragelse eller slippe samme og erstatte med ..ja det er jeg ved at lære. Tingene lykkes. Dejlige drenge. Fast job. Eget hus. Smuk have. Sød hund. når dagen er gået er der ikke mere tid til min kreativitet. Jeg maler og skriver. Men det er der bare ikke tid til. Jeg kan skrue ned for ambitionerne. Jeg kan det bare ikke i situationen.
    Hvordan ændrer jeg mit mindset?
    Jeg har mest af alt lyst til at slippe hele lortet. Alle forpligtigelser og blive blød og sexet, sanselig og åben. Men det er svært at kombinere med rollen som 'skaffedyr'.
    Kærlig hilsen Henriette
  11. Ninet på 06.05.2016
    Thank you
    Looking forward to hear more :-)
    Kind regards
  12. Anne på 06.05.2016
    Dear Ninka and Wynford. You make up a wonderful inspiring team! Thank you very much for this video. I can't wait for your next video. The video landed in my inbox at the perfect time. Just the other day I was explaining to a colleague of mine that my brain's "RAM memory" was too overloaded in order for me to take on more responsibility. After your video, I now realise it wasn't just a figure of speech. Thank you so much for sharing you knowledge. Love to both of you.
  13. Ninka på 05.05.2016
    Here is our answers to the latest of all your amazing comments and THANK YOU for all of them:

    Bianca, Lotte and Camilla. You are amazing. Thank you.

    Dear Lolita Solsikke
    We LOVE that you know have the explanation for your confusion and now understand how your brilliant brain works.

    We cannot wait to share more with you next week.

    Dear Daisy, Nakalema and C Kareshma. Thank for your kindness and support.

    Dear Gitte. Off course you are not stupid, and we are horrified that so many women feel less worthy just because their executive function is out of wack.
    You might want to check out -created by a briliant girl who overcame concussion damages and now helps others.

    Dear Camilla. We are THRILLED everytime we give women who feel wrong and hyperactive tools and tips to understand and change it by developing the brain. We will tell you more next week.

    Birthe . Thank you.

    Dorthe - and we will love to help you overcome the last hurdle.

    Marianne Mose, Benthe and Gisela. Thank you. And yes, meditation helps ❤️

    pernille, Pernille and Anne Dorthe. Come by next week on the blog and lets continue from there.

    Tiana. We TOTALLY agree . You got it!

    Anne Katinka. Thank you so much. We love your comment and look forward to give you more tools to make life calmer.


    Thank you all. We are grateful for your amazing comments and your engagement.

    Ninka and Wynford
  14. Gro Bratsberg på 05.05.2016
    Hallo.Thank you for all your interesting thoughts.I have two questions for you:
    What would be the best protein powder?(Rice?Peas?Other?)What is the best probiotica for me(woman,47)and my four year old, we both have intoleranse for milk, wheat and gluten.
  15. Mianne M. Andersen på 05.05.2016
    You are so perfekt and lovely together!!!Thank you very much for thise informations, now i understand some Things better.I will be wery glad to hear more. Love from Mianne
  16. Anne Passer på 05.05.2016
    Hi both of you! What about the taperecorder playing the tape from childhood telling you what mon and have tought you about who and what you are? Bruce Lipton is saying, that this taperecorder is VERY difficult to stop and reprogram. Can a relaxed brain stop/delete the program from childhood and how do we then make a new and better? Love from Anne
  17. Monika Kvamme på 05.05.2016
    Wow - I can totally relate to the creative mind, flowing from idea to idea, never capable of completing anything. I know Im intelligent, but cant figure out how to COMPLETE my ideas, so I actually AM intelligent in want Im doing. Im practicing fokus on ONE task, and have been practicing for a while. I can more and more relate to the idea of putting all ideas down - and fulfill step one. For me step one is to FULLY go into Ninkas detox, and to have my day off really OFF, and not just other tasks on my side business f.ex.

    Like today, its an offical day off work, but I still have a speech to write, and Im on detox videos, and so on and so on. :)

    I stopped in the midlle of the video to write this. :D Now I will continue! <3
  18. Ullamari N. Christensen på 05.05.2016
    Jeg er fyldt med taknemmelighed.
    I er fyldt med stor kærlighed og næstekærlighed. Det glæder mit hjerte, at du Ninka har fundet din twinflame og soulmate og det samme for Wynford.
    Tak at Wynford's store viden kommer til DK igennem dig Ninka. Det vil være med til, at ændre og gøre en verden til forskel for børn og voksne. Hvad kan der gøres for, at mangfoldiggøre denne vigtige viden og behandling på dansk? Så, at der kan undervises i det på samtlige seminarer, skoler og universiteter inden for alle de steder de har med mennesket at gøre??? Der er mange der har brug for denne viden til forståelse af hver enkelt endivid. Eller selve behandlingen så hver enkelt menneske kommer lettere frem i denne verden. Jeg vil SÅ gerne uddannes inden for dette. Mit engelsk tror jeg bare ikke rækker og slet ikke skriftligt. Jeg kan mærke det brænder rigtig meget i mig for, at kunne gøre en forskel inden for denne fantastiske viden på dansk. Tusind tusind tak for det store arbejde Wynford har lagt i denne viden for, at gøre det muligt for sin datter og dermed mange andre børn og voksne. Jeg er meget taknemmelig
  19. Kirsten Heidi Jeppesen på 05.05.2016
    I think I'm in L.O.V.E. with the two of YOU! THANK YOU!
  20. Anne Katinka Krogsbæk på 05.05.2016
    Kære Ninka og Winford .Tusind tak for jeres Video ,jeg suger til mig . Tænker jeg er helt" forelsket " i jeres energi . Drømmer om at lade mig" indlægge " til reprogrammering hos jer. Jeg er maks presset og tænker kan jeg bare lære en 1/100 del af jeres gode og sunde tankegang vil det være godt begyndt .dejlig dag til hele jeres familie. Stort knus.
  21. Tiana på 05.05.2016
    You both look absolutely lovely! Light and love is shining from you! <3
    I always say; children behave if they can! Meaning that children only misbehave when they don't have the capacity to behave!
    Looking forward to your nex video and is absolutely delighted that I now know why I tend to forget lots of things. Just been very sick from stress the last five months and is just hanging in there to cope! I know things will be better and I will get better, but the fight is hard sometimes.
    Love and peace <3
  22. Pernille Nielsen på 05.05.2016
    Hi Ninka & Wynford Dore,

    It was very good and interesting! I feel so lucky to study NLP (neuro linguistic programming)… and a part of that study is also covering the brain and how we as human are affected by our brain. It makes good sense the way you presented this topic however very challenging to 'implement' in reality - as we all know ;)
    I look so much forward for you to share more of your knowledge.. And great match - the two of you <3
  23. Anne Dorte Ohrt på 05.05.2016
    Wauw! I always knew, that my creativity made me forget my keys and stuff. Now you're telling me, that it's true! Looking forward to hear more. It's thrilling:-)
  24. Pernille på 05.05.2016
    Please tell more, I'm not a mom - but I'm still a women who want to learn more :0)
  25. Gisela Zofia Nielsen på 05.05.2016
    My dearest Ninka and Wynford.
    What you say makes so much sense.
    I know at the moment I am overloaded by too many things in my mind. Thats why I have difficulties staying on my right track. Remember to meditate Gisela
  26. Bente på 05.05.2016
    You lift me up so I can walk on mountains <3
  27. Marianne Mose på 05.05.2016
    Oh... this explains a lot ;-)
  28. Dorthe på 05.05.2016
    Dear Ninka
    Can't wait to hear more - I realize, I've got a pattern, in spite of my "awareness". I want to have peace with it asap and stop my view on me as a "bad" person.
    Thank you so much, both of you <3
    Much love from Dorthe
  29. Birte Nielsen på 05.05.2016
    Hjernen skal arbejde godt og stabilt for at vi kan trives og udvikle os optimalt. Med auriculoterapi kan man tjekke, behandle og stabilisere lateralitet - og så er man rigtig godt på vej !
  30. Camilla på 05.05.2016
    Hej Ninka & Winford ,
    THANK you for that bit of enlightment , and me WHO thoughts i had ADHD ... Actually something i just recently have been thinking had to be the case ... Perhaps i am just overloaded .. And have been for many many years
    Life is loved forward but understand back words
    THANK you and congratulations on your love <3
    Blessings from
  31. Gitte på 05.05.2016
    Thank you SO much for this information - it makes good sense for me and what I'm going through...I have had a severe concussion years back and am still struggling with headaches and in stressed periods my brain easily gets overloaded and I do exactly all the things you're talking about. Suddenly I don't feel stupid about my weird descisions and things I have been saying and doing... Thank you! ❤️ Can't wait to hear what I can do about it...
  32. C Kareshma Lotuz på 05.05.2016
    Thanks alot... a very lot..
    And thanks for being able to view you together and to see and feel the
    looks and temptation.. between YOU.

    Enjoy your day! And your Capasity.... maybe spelled in a very creative way;-)
  33. Nakalema Iversen på 05.05.2016
    Thank you!
  34. Daisy på 05.05.2016
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ❤️❤️❤️
  35. Lolita Solsikke på 05.05.2016
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you <3
    With this video I came to completly understanding and Peace with my self.

    I have often thought I wish my brain would stop coming up with all there new ideas, creative projects all the time.
    Actually the past week I've been "frozen", startet to paint my entrance, couldn't finish, with all these creative ideas flying through my head I was walking around as a zombie not getting anything done at all.

    Instead of painting my walls I wanted to play with my canvas, papers, colours and creative crafts.
    And never seem to finish them either...

    Yesterday I descided to let the walls and house work be and played with creativity, to my surprice at the end of the day, my head/brain felt lighter, the emotional pressure and stress was off.

    Now I understand what it takes for me to finish projects, get ride of addictions, make good descisions and I not lacking social skills - My brain's working area is just overloaded!
    Thank you! This is so exciting!

    Thank you God (and Pia Tylak :-) )for bringing you together and it is wonderful to see your love and sparkling eyes

    Lots of love and many blessings
    Lolita Solsikke
  36. Camilla på 05.05.2016
    Mega interessant
  37. Lotte på 05.05.2016
    Thank you so much for sharing this! So exiting! Really looking forward to hear more om this.
  38. Bianca på 04.05.2016
    yay. Very inspirering. Also great to see love and life in the world -you two. That´s what it´s all about!
  39. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Dear EVA

    Excactly ....

    You got it...

    But stay tuned....


  40. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Dear Heidi and Charlotte

    Thank you so much. So much love from us.
    And ehem. Did not know that my love for this man was that obvious. But yes. I want to eat him.


  41. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Dear Ditte
    The cerebellum and executive function news we will share next week will answer that question ( and make you happy)


  42. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Åh kæreste Pia Nissen Tylak

    Nu sidder vi her.
    Midt i det store eventyr og i den kærlighed, du forudså ville eksplodere ved første øjekast.
    Og det gjorde det.
    Og det bliver vildere og dybere hver eneste dag.
    Du førte os sammen.

    Dear Pia
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for introducing us and kickstarting the love and life purpose that we now thrive in and deepen every day. We love you for that.


    Ninka and Wynford
  43. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Helle Gøtze and Anne
    Thank you so much. Next week we will share even more amazing brain tips and informatio . And yes, nature and meditation makes a huge dufference. Well done.
    Ninka and Wynford
  44. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Vi har det også lækkert sammen

    Kæmpe kys
  45. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Dear Tanja Grith an Jørdi

    You are SO welcome.

    We are excited beyond words to be together to spread this important message.
    Thank you so much for being with us on this journey.


    Ninka and Wynford
  46. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Kæreste Malene Hagen

    De største udfordringer gives til kvinder med de største hjerter og de vildeste kræfter. Jeg er så lykkelig over, at du får det, du har brug for på Detox. Og inderligt glad over at kunne bidrage til din rejse med den lille sjæl. Hvor er du fantastisk. Ninka
  47. Ninka på 04.05.2016
    Kæreste Jeanette, Sissel og Heidi. Thank you so so much. We were so excited to see if you liked this info. And you did... Yaeh.
  48. Else Slagebro på 04.05.2016
    So important stuff - and so good to see your love. Love you Ninka.
  49. Heidi Zink på 04.05.2016
    I love you so much ❤️ I love your passion to help ❤️ Sending lots of love
  50. Eva på 04.05.2016
    Thanks! Interesting. So that's why I always keep my weight stable when I'm into meditating every or every second day. Once I stop (why?!?) doing it - I tend to make worse eating choises. Chrystal clear!
  51. Charlotte på 04.05.2016
    Lovely Ninka, it's difficult to listen to your soulmate if you look like you want to EAT happy to see how love shines from you. He just descrived my husband (creative and also at work..) is was very useful to me. I will stayed turned!
  52. Ditte Dalker på 04.05.2016
    Simply amazing you two and this info. I am really looking forward too do the program hopefully soon ;0) Can it also help very smart, emotional and creative kids whom gets in a lot of conflicts at school ? Sincerely Ditte Dalker
  53. Helle Götze på 04.05.2016
    Thanks, this is very exciting! I believe,
    that besides from nurturing food and other things, its importent (for me at least) to relax somehow during the day. A break. I love to have "my space" like meditating, writting, walking on my own ( with the dog;) or just looking at a plant, a tree, a bird, focus on my breathing ect. It do not have to take a lot of time, but it needs to be several times during a week, it gives me space in my being. Well, that was a little sharing from my life ;) And I do very much look forward to see your next video :) Have a great evening.
  54. Pia Nissen Tylak på 04.05.2016
    I so love you both. You are amazing, and I know, you will change the World <3 Lots of love yours Pia
  55. Anne på 04.05.2016
    Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Actually it is logically, that also the the brain has a certain capacity - both the body and the brain gets stressed and overloaded and influences one another... We have to sense and feel symptoms of both the brain and the body... and the soul - and respect and react on it instead of ignoring and keep on going. Looking forward to learn more from you <3
  56. Linda på 04.05.2016
    For filan, det var spændende !
    Tusind tak til jer begge.
    I ser sku lækre ud sammen
  57. Jørdi Jacobsen på 04.05.2016
    So exited about what you are sharing in your blog today, it makes so much sense! Looking forward to your next video, this is so important information to give children. I am working with young people that struggle with learning, and it is important to give them information, hope and solutions they can use. Thank you for sharing
  58. Grith Lygum på 04.05.2016
    Wauw - very interesting! Love it. Love U guys. You look so great together. Thank you♡
  59. Tanja på 04.05.2016
    Thank you SO much for sharing this. Combining all parts of the whole body is the future! I want more!!!
  60. Malene Haagen på 04.05.2016
    Jeg er så taknemmelig Ninka for mit kendskab til dig. Følger for første gang dit detox forløb og er vildt imponeret og på knæ over hvor sindsygt "lidt" der skullle til for at kickstarte den vildeste process i mit liv. Har dog lænet mig op af dig gennem de sidste 10 år hvad angår mad , kemi og meget andet i min familie;-)
    Og alt dette udsprang af at jeg hentede en lille pige da hun var en time gammel på fødegangen. Med det samme kunne jeg mærke at hun var ganske særlig, og derfor også skulle tages vare på helt særligt...
    Er idag igang med et forløb med neuropraktiker L. Thieleman og vi har indhentet knap 1,5 år på halvt år. Der er lang vej endnu, men jeg tror på at jeg kan hjælpe hende ud af hendes udviklingforstyrrelse, og blev simpelthen så rørt over jeres skriv og video og glæder mig som et lille barn på at høre mere!!
    De kærligste hilsener fra mig til jer
  61. Heidi på 04.05.2016
    Thank you for doing this. Very interesting. I love learning more about the brain. I am also a firm believer of Patrick Holfords advice on supplements that helps to get rid of addictions by changing the brain chemistry. Knowing the brain is so important when it comes to cravings and addictions .
  62. Sissel på 04.05.2016
    Very interesting. Wow
  63. Jeanette på 04.05.2016
    First of all; congratulations both of you. I have learned a lot from you Ninka and maybe one of the most importen thing I've learned is what you talked about today. You knew this long time ago and even you don't have studied the brain you knew it

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